Saw this on Xitter today.
Good grief, where to begin?
1. No one is going to institute "socialism," Biden may be more leftist than Trump, but socialism is out of the question.
2. No one is taking away the 2nd Amendment. We'd like to do some rewrites as the original purpose of it was to permit slave patrols, but mostly, we'd like to make some adjustments to it.
3. Good grief? The guys and the gal who lied to senators about wanting to throw out Roe v Wade? THOSE people are "qualified"?!?!?!
4. The Electoral College gave us both the younger George Bush and Trump. 'Nuff said!
5. Really? Y'all seriously believe that we'll keep a Constitutional Republic under a wannabe fascist dictator?
6. "police and law and order" from a guy who thinks laws don't apply to him? Seriously, check out Trump's position on "Presidential immunity." Believe me, "law and order" will apply only to common citizens!
7. Have you heard anything about how Trump regards the military? Have you people been living in a bubble for the past decade or so?
It goes on and on about how wonderful and glorious and marvelous Donald Trump is, but it's the same ideological drivel from people who very clearly get all of their news from right-wing media.
What the heck? Long as I'm on this, here's Trump's latest from his Xitter-like social media platform:
1. I take very strong issue with both "successful" and "popular." Trump was neither, that's why he lost the 2020 election.
2. Nearly four years later, still no evidence of any "rigging" or "stealing."
3. No evidence that Biden is "crooked," despite the House Oversight Committee having investigated for well over a year.
4. "Soros" is an automatic and unequivocal sign of antisemitism on the part of anyone who cites the man.
5. Rachel Maddow looked at why this case was delayed for so long. Trump corrupted the DOJ. Trump's last Attorney General Bill Barr was very deeply involved in that corruption.
6. Heh! The only "Legal Scholars and Experts" who feel there's no case are those that Trump is paying directly.
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