An alleged liberal wrote in the New
York Times Magazine an update to the decade-old argument that
liberals should ignore right-wing talkers like Rush Limbaugh. His
logic runs that by paying attention to him, we're giving him the
oxygen of publicity and thereby strengthening his public influence.
Of course, it might have been an interesting piece (or a true
update) had the author acknowledged that the argument was pretty much
decided in 2004 when Media Matters was founded, specifically to shine
a light on and to thereby combat right-wing misinformation by
bringing that misinformation to wider public attention. Is ignoring
right-wingers likely to be an effective tactic? Balloon Juice thinks
that's a pretty dumb
and cowardly idea. Digby points out that liberals started out by
ignoring right-wingers and that they
grew in power and influence anyway. Media Matters itself notes
If liberals are
going to pay no attention [to] Fox News, they may as well ignore the
entire Republican Party because there's no functional daylight
between the two.
And earlier asked how the whole “ignore
them” tactic works:
Ask John Kerry how
initially ignoring the right-wing
media's meticulously planned-out Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
smear campaign worked for him and Democrats in 2004. Ask the
same question to former ACORN leaders who saw Congress move to defund
the group based on the dishonest
attacks waged by the right-wing media. Or ask National Public
Radio's former CEO, Vivian Schiller, who was forced
to resign in the wake of a bogus
right-wing smear campaign.
And sorry, but Almond's whole argument
here just strikes me as a fairy
dust argument built on wishes and good intentions:
Consider the
recent debate over whether employers must cover contraception in
their health plans. The underlying question — should American women
receive help in protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancies? —
is part of a serious and necessary national conversation.
Okay. I agree with that.
Any hope of that
conversation happening was dashed the moment Rush Limbaugh began his
attacks on Sandra Fluke, the young contraceptive advocate.
Okay, this is an accurate, realistic
description. Yes, a serious conversation got turned into a circus.
But then Almond's piece goes seriously off the rails with his
description of liberal reactions/proposed solution:
The left took
enormous pleasure in seeing Limbaugh pilloried. To what end, though?
Industry experts noted that his ratings actually went up during the
flap. In effect, the firestorm helped Limbaugh do his job, at least
in the short term.
See, my problem here is with the whole
Hollywood notion of there being no such thing as bad publicity. Of
course there is. Jerry
Lee Lewis marrying his thirteen-year old cousin was not something
that urban audiences were going to ignore, even though it may have
made sense where Lewis came from. His musical career never truly
recovered from that. Limbaugh didn't just get some more uncritical,
admiring viewers. Yes, he sold his trash to more unquestioning people
who became fans, but he also attracted a lot of critical attention,
people who were disgusted by his statements and who, if Limbaugh were
a bug that they stepped on, would quickly scrub him off of the
bottoms of their shoes.
[Almond] says
Limbaugh’s ratings are up, which seems
to be wrong (no link, so I can’t check his numbers), but he
also lost advertisers in
unprecedented numbers. Backlash from the Heartland Institute’s
climate denier billboard campaign featuring Ted Kaczynski crippled
the organization. Komen’s attempt to cut funding to Planned
Parenthood was a massive failure and has badly
tarnished their brand and their donations, probably irreversibly.
There just doesn't appear to be much
evidence that backlash doesn't work. It seems to work just fine, even
if talkers like Limbaugh get a, perhaps temporary, boost in
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