The court scholar serving Hermann of Thuringia.

The court scholar serving Hermann of Thuringia.
The scholar


Day 934 War in Ukraine

Man sees his wife and son after two years in Russian captivity.

Woo hoo! Another 103 Ukrainian captives traded for Russian soldiers!

76 Russian drones, none of which made it to their targets!

Russian propaganda at a film festival called out for what it is.

Billboards promoting Italian-Russian friendship are paid for by same organizations that “were formed to protest the country’s Covid-19 lockdowns.” These anti-vaxxer groups “were always promoted and amplified as part of Russia’s ongoing political warfare and influence operations against the US, the EU, EU member states, and NATO.”

Germany’s chancellor is against sending long-range rockets to Ukraine. Canada advocates for no restrictions. Foreign Policy Magazine accuses Biden Administration of “micro-managing” Ukraine’s foreign policy and thereby helping Russia. “purely political hesitation” holds the White House back. Repeated long-range drone strikes by Ukraine have not resulted in Russian retaliation.

Europe will have to figure out what to do if/when the Ukraine war ends and Russia concentrates on “Georgia, the Baltic states, or even the Nordic countries.” NATO appears to be frightened of engaging Russian aggression. A Ukrainian points out that as long as Ukraine is fighting Russia, Europe doesn’t have to deal with it.

Very sad cartoon on Russian “red lines.”

“Dragon Drones” spew fire down on Russian positions.

Radio Khartia broadcasts in Kharkiv from a van.

Russians attack Ukrainian positions in the Kursk region (inside Russia) to little effect. Russian regular and pontoon bridges over the Seym River are destroyed.

Lots and LOTS of Russian officers have been killed since February 2022!

Metallurgical plant in Russia burning.

Very interesting that my usual source on the war in Ukraine didn’t mention this, but Russian attacks on the Ukrainian offensive near Kursk have not only defeated counter-offensives, but Euromaidan Press reports that the Russian offensive against Pokrovsk has culminated (gone as far as it will go) and Russia is shifting forces up to tackle the Kursk salient!

Also, reports on both Ukrainian and Russian mismanagement of troops.

40-minute film on a Ukrainian from Kyiv visiting the Carpathian Mountain region of Ukraine (very Western and Southern area).


Day 932 War in Ukraine


“Russian missile against a wheat cargo bound for Egypt.“ The missile was supersonic and the crew was Turkish. It was attacked in the waters of Romania. Both countries are members of NATO.

Blogger examines why Biden’s NatSec (National Security) staff is incapable of rising to the challenge of dealing with present-day Russia.

First Lady Zelenska gives a speech at the Fourth Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen. President Zelenskyy’s speech follows.

The son of the Chief Rabbi of Ukraine dies at the front.

Putin threatens war if Ukraine is permitted to use long-range missiles against Russia.

US might permit Ukraine to use British and French long-range missiles against Russia. "The source said: 'I think this war can’t be won or stopped by half measures.'" Escalation should be examined in context. Putin threatens direct war if Ukraine is permitted to use long-range missiles.

Kharkiv with glide bombs.

More terrible things happening in Pokrovsk as Russians approach.

...the ICRC has not covered itself in glory in Ukraine. Nor in Gaza. Nor Sudan. Nor anywhere else lately.

Russians launch counter-offensive against Ukraine’s Kursk operation. Ukraine expected and was prepared for it. No sign that the Russian counter-offensive will weaken the Russian advance on Pokrovsk.

The current Russian army “consists of cripples, alcoholics, criminals and old men with conscripts. But this army also causes colossal damage. It is precisely because of this composition that it has no morality and leaves behind a trail of war crimes and scorched earth.”


Day 931 War in Ukraine


THAT’S a disappointment! US Secretary of State Blinken and UK Foreign Minister Lammy did NOT go to Ukraine to authorize the use of long-range weapons! They’re “adjusting and adapting” somehow.

Ten and a half years after the invasion of Crimea and almost three years into the full-scale re-invasion of Ukraine and the US doesn’t have “an actual strategy for Ukraine”!

Zelenskyy observes 9/11 commemoration.

Lithuania helps finance the Palantsyia rocket drone.

Does Germany’s Scholzhave a peace plan for Ukraine? If he doesn’t bring Ukraine on board, Zelenskyy doesn’t care.

US and Britain sending a generous aid package over to Ukraine.

Blinken recognizes that Russia is attacking Ukrainian energy.

Congress asks Biden to allow Ukraine to strike targets in russia with long-range weapons.

Apparently, the Biden Administration has just NOW drafted a strategy for Ukraine! The US is still using “crisis management” tools. Many organizations have offered detailed plans. Are we trying to defeat Russia in Ukraine? We should say so. We also need to “win the peace” by having a plan to rebuild, enter NATO, etc. But knowing the desired endgame is VERY important!

North Korean ballistic missiles raining down on Ukraine.

Iran is ALSO sending ballistic missiles to Russia.

Another Russian Su-30 fighter jet shot down!

Russian reconnaissance drone knocked down!

Russians still advancing on Pokrovsk.


Day 927, War in Ukraine


A Ukrainian resident of Pokrovsk closes her gate for what may be the last time as Russian artillery moves closer.

Lots and lots of Shahed drones knocked down. None of them hit their target!

Good! Scottish newspaper headline supports Ukraine against Biden’s too-cautious policy.

Ukraine’s Kursk offensive has dented Vladimir Putin’s war narrative and triggered “questions” among the Russian elite about the point of the war…

Intelligence officials: “Both also said it would be wrong to take Putin’s threats of nuclear escalation lightly but that the west should not be unnecessarily intimidated.”

US says that Iran sending ballistic missiles to Russia would be a “dramatic escalation.” But there’s evidence that Iran HAS already shipped those missiles. Earlier, the US said there would be “consequences” if North Korea shipped missiles yo Moscow. But NK has ALREADY done that! So now what?

Ukrainian drones can now strike at a distance of 1.800 km.

Why did the Venice Film Festival accept a film glorifying Russia’s war in Ukraine? Toronto Film Festival also urged to not feature Russian propaganda.

Canada Media Fund gave $340,000 from Canadian taxpayers to an on staff russian propagandist.

Continuing evacuation in Pokrovsk as Russian artillery moves closer.

Dunno why Russia even bothers to build pontoon bridges. Of course, Ukrainians would probably blow up ferries, too.

Ammunition depot burns.


Day 922 War in Ukraine

School in shelter, safe from Russian missiles.

Still more mass aerial attacks.

Zelenskyy talks about schools reopening. Presumably he means schools have ben relocated to underground.

North Korean KN-23 missiles were among those that struck Ukraine.

Why are Russian bombers better protected than Ukrainian civilians?

Poland says it will preemptively hit any Russian missile that appears as though it might enter Polish airspace.

Iran planning to provide ballistic missiles to Russia. Good time to release Ukrainian missiles from restrictions.

Defense Minister Umerov calls for restrictions on long-range weapons to be lifted.

UKRAINE’S FRUSTRATION is growing by the day over restrictions that the Biden administration has imposed on the use of American-supplied weapons against targets inside Russia.

The blogger quotes a “devil’s advocate” of permitting long-range strikes into Russia, at length.

Ukraine has some of their best battle-hardened units in the Kursk offensive. So far, not drawing too many Russian units.

Ukraine’s Kursk incursion has raised flagging morale among its troops and restored its initiative along a patch of the front. The attack has also deeply embarrassed Moscow

Moscow is frustrated that the West doesn’t appear to take their nuclear threats seriously anymore and are upping the ante. Russian nuclear threats have successfully frozen the Biden Administration’s response.


Result of Ukrainian drone firing thermite at a tree line.

Russians tsk-tsk a Ukrainian mine disguised to look like an ordinary piece of wood, but which contains enough explosive to kill instantly. Yep, sure is terrible to have barbaric enemies.

Reuters: "A deputy commander of Russia's Leningrad military district has been detained on suspicion of accepting a 20 million rouble ($224,000) bribe...

When I was in the Navy, the armed service paid for EVERYTHING that we needed to do our job. I've often compared this to the poor state of teachers, who have to buy school supplies without reimbursement. Seems Russian soldiers are required to pay for repairing and refueling cars! 

Huh1 Cool! Serbia hips in to supply MiGs to Ukraine!

Ukrainian occupiers making very good impressions in Kursk district.

Ukrainian General Staff figures Russia has lost 8,600 tanks since February 2022! 

Russia's Minister of Foreign Affairs Lavrov compares modern-day Europe to Napoleonic France and Nazi Germany, seeking to destroy Russia.








Day 921 war in Ukraine


Adding up all of the flying weapons used to strike Ukraine over the past week!

At the July NATO Summit, all sorts of air defense systems were promised. NONE have been delivered yet! A “double-tap” attack was therefore successful.

Denmark wanted to send F-16s right away after Ukraine was hit with the full-scale invasion, but “Frederiksen did not specify who exactly was holding up the delivery of the F-16s.”

Zelenskyy’s definition of peace is to remove all occupiers from the land. Zelenskyy: “to stop this terror, all necessary global forces must be mobilized.”

Russia strikes “a center for social and psychological rehabilitation of children and an orphanage” Numerous other civilian centers hit. Strikes are made at noontime so as to maximize casualties.

It’s NICE that the US condemns Russian atrocities delivered by aerial means, but giving Ukraine permission to use long-range weapons on Russian airbases is what they REALLY need!

The town of Kurahove is just being pounded into dust.

People fleeing Pokrovsk are reasonably certain their homes will be obliterated in their absence.

A “fully loaded Russian BM-21 Grad MLRS” obliterated in massive explosion.

Ukrainian drone strikes made near Moscow raises the price of the war for regular Russians.

Moscow oil refinery hit. Truly amazing how weak Russian air defenses are once one gets away from the battle-front.

Moscow is surrounded by S-300, S-400 and Pantsir S1/S2 air defense systems. They should have been able to protect the Kaputnya oil refinery.

Kyiv has a small handful of air defense systems protecting it, Moscow has nearly 50. Funny, but Russian air defenses consistently underperform.

Why does AP blindly repeat Russian propaganda?

The value of attrition: “using a $500,000 drone to destroy an industrial facility that generates $50 million annually has a lasting impact.”

Ukraine hits power plant at Konokovo from a distance of 325 miles.